Eye Candy

Hello All,

I spotted some great eye candy on a recently antiquing trip and I just had to buy them.

I also wanted to tell you about a Pfreaky Pfatt Pfright. It will be filled with wonderful Pfrightful goodies. Make sure to visit PfattMarketplace on June 10th. I will have a few Halloween Goodies for you. We will also have doorprizes!!! I will talk to you soon.


Yeah! Halloween in June. My kind of event!!
vivian said…
well hwllo my friend! been missing you here! What have you been up too???
What a nice entry, thanks for posting. Those pictures are really great. Hope all is going well... And it's Halloween, yay!

Just an FYI, I saw a post and thought of you:

Take care!
Gorgeous finds Elaine!! Hope all is well with you. Your PFATT items this month are gorgeous (like all of your work! ) :-)
~dani~ said…
Hey there..how goes it? Halloween in June is great fun!! If you get a chance peek at my latest blog post to see if you are interested in joining?

happy creating
Looks like you found some wonderful things to create with. I must check out the marketplace you mentioned above. Do you sell your creations there only or are you on Etsy?
Annie said…
love all this great stuff!

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