Spring in the air

Hello All,

I know time flys when you are having fun.  I have been having a ball working on finishing up my degree in Fine Arts / Psychology.  So posting on my blog sort of fell to the way side.  But, I knew I had to reconnect and not lost touch with everyone.

Many of my ideas are still brewing in my head and I plan picking my brain soon and creating some of my creations.  I have a few shows lined up this year and will post information on those as they get closer to the show dates.

I also wanted to share with you all that I will have my own studio soon.  I am so excited!! My dear hubby has been busy doing the DIY improvement on it for me.  I have a few pictures of the work in progress for you to check out.  If you have any decorating ideas to help me with my space let me know.

Have a great day!!!


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