Thinking of Fall
Hello All,
I hope you had an enjoyable Labor Day. My family and I spent the day at the fair. We had so much fun!! The children loved seeing all the animals especially the horses. The fairs always get me thinking of fall and all the fun that comes with Halloween. Where your imagination can go wild when creating pieces.
Let's see how many ghoulish words I can search for while I am waiting for Elaine to finish me up for PFatt on Sept. 10th. I know I can find some good ones.
Hey look for me too!! :)
Yippee !! we are almost complete!!
Happy Halloween!!
I will be making an exciting annoucement Sept 10th so stop back and see me!!!
glad to see youre working on sweet halloweenies! In loving that little ghost boy in the first picture! will be back on the 10th to see what your announcement will be!