Who Does She Think She Is?
Hello All,
Make sure to check out my NEW pieces on SpookyTimeJingles.com starting at midnight on January 13th. They are alot of fun.
Also, thanks to all for the kudos regarding my recent publication in Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine. It was so much fun. I hope everyone enjoys the project.
I wanted to share this video I found from one of my facebook friends. This may be old news to some of you but I thought it would be fun to share anyway. Check out the trailer.
If anyone knows how to get the youtube video to show up in a blog post please tell me. I can't seem to get it to work for me.
go to the youtube video page. on the right there is a box, one of the options is "embed". copy that code. go back to blogger and go to your post (or start new post). click on the tab that says "edit html" and paste in the code where you want the video to be. go back to "compose" and you should be good!'
good luck!