You're A Mean One Mr Grinch
Unfortunately, I have a Mean Grinch in my life. I have been debating weather or not I should post this message or not. But, I needed to vent and get this off my chest. I think I am a pretty generous person and I try to help out people. Well, some person or persons have decided to help themselves to a lot of my craft supplies, books, fabrics, paints, and antiques. My family and I relocated to Central Ohio about a year ago. We had our home built in a rural area because we wanted more land to do more things with the family. And the area is suppose to be a great place to raise your family. Well since we have moved here someone has been coming in and stealing my things. Now, this isn't your typical thief that comes in and leaves your home in chaos. Things aren'tdisorganized and out of place. As if they didn't want you to know they were there. But, until you start to go into boxes and drawers you notice things are gone. It is very strange and very disturbing. So of course I filed a police report the officer thought I was strange to file a report about a burglar who steals crafts and leaves other valuables like televisions and electronics unharmed. But this is really happening.
So, in the summer we got a security system installed and I thought my troubles were over but I continued to found things disappearing or fabrics that I know I had several yards of dwindle down to nearly nothing. So, I don't know what to do. Somehow this Grinch is bypassing the alarm but I don't know how. If anyone out there knows about security systems email for some suggestions. I will have to figure out what to do. I hate to falsely accuse anyone of doing this but I am starting to think it may be someone in our subdivision. Because where our home is located everyone knows when you leave and come back. I am thankful that my family is okay but I a sick and tired of this person or persons violating my home and stealing all of my stuff.
If anyone has any suggestions for me please email me privately and let me know. I hate to talk about this with everyone but I had to vent and get this out. I want this Grinch to see their evil ways and stop stealing.
I love your new banner, and I DO remember Land of the Lost!! I liked that.
And, I see you tagged me, you silly girl. I'll have to work on that.
Happy Holidays,
Don't think I'm nuts, but I really do beleive in ghosts and spirits.
I just discovered your blog and website from you making a comment at ZNE on my Grumpy fairy. I LOVE your art dolls!
Judy K
Keep us informed, inquiring minds want to know!
xo Kitty