Fall is in the Air...Let's Celebrate

Hello All,
Can you believe that October is almost here. That means Fall is in the Air...I can really tell with the cold weather outside and the beautiful colors of the leaves. But, anyway, I just wanted to remind you to pick up the fall issue of Celebrate 365 which arrives next week. I so excited to be apart of this issue which is filled to the brim with talented artist. Check out Connie's website to see a complete list of artist featured in this issue. Thanks Connie Again!! I am so excited!!
Here is a photo of the cover:

You can purchase a subscription or individual copies from Connie just go to:


Anonymous said…
So glad you introduced us to this...i needed another crafty magazine to feed my addiction (of magazines)...(and crafts) ha!
Unknown said…
OMG I love linking around and just found you and your AMAZING art when I find and site and artist like you it makes my day What fun stuff you do!!
Doreen Frost said…
Congratulations Elaine :)! LOVE your work.

Enjoy your day,
Elaine Thomas said…
Thanks everyone!! This fall issue is a definite must have!!
Unknown said…
Hi Elaine! I know; Halloween will be here before we know it! I am interested in getting the magazine but what's it about?

Happy Fall!

Sandy xox

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